Information obligation according to §5 E-Commerce Law, §14 Corporate Code, §63 Trade Regulations and disclosure obligation according to §25 Media Act.
a brand of nextworkx GmbH
Untere Weißgerberstraße 43, Top 6
1030 Vienna
Object of the company: Management Consulting
UID number: ATU 72415567
Commercial register number: FN 474582s
Commercial register court: Vienna
Headquarters: 1030 Vienna
Tel.: +43 134 301 29
Fax: +43 134 301 29 88
Member of: WKO, UBIT
Professional law: Trade regulations:
Supervisory authority/trade authority: Commercial Court of Vienna
Awarding state: Austria
Managing Director
Michael Siegmund
Source: Created with the Impressum Generator von in cooperation with
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Our website contains links to other websites for whose content we are not responsible. If you notice illegal links on our website, please contact us, you will find the contact details in the legal notice.
Liability for the content of this website
We are constantly developing the content of this website and strive to provide correct and up-to-date information. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any liability for the correctness of all content on this website, especially for those provided by third parties. If you notice problematic or illegal content, please contact us immediately, you will find the contact details in the imprint.
Copyright notice
All contents of this website (images, photos, texts, videos) are subject to copyright. If necessary, we will legally prosecute the unauthorized use of parts of the content on our site.
Photo credit
The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. The copyrights belong to the following photographers: Mehdi Rahmati