Terms of Use
These terms of use apply exclusively to the “Turbo Booster” competition in the Vienna Wurstlprater. The period of validity can be found in the text.
1. Scope, obligations and costs
These terms and conditions shall apply if persons participate in competitions and invitations to tender of kickworkx GmbH, Untere Weißgerberstraße 43/6, 1030 Vienna, (hereinafter referred to as “the Organizer”) on www.kickworkx.com, twitter.com/kickworkx, www.facebook.com/kickworkx, www.instagram.com/kickworkx/, www.linkedin.com/company/kickworkx-gmbh/oder https://www.xing.com/companies/kickworkxgmbh.
This promotion is not connected to Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Xing and is in no way sponsored, supported or organized by the platforms. The recipient of information provided is none of those mentioned platforms, but kickworkx GmbH. All questions regarding the competition should be directed to kickworkx GmbH, either by email or via the mentioned social media platforms.
Participation is free of charge and voluntary and without obligation for the participants. Likewise, the chances of winning are not influenced by any performance of the participants. The legal process is excluded.
2. Eligibility:
By participating, the participant agrees to these conditions of participation. Persons over the age of 18 and employees of a corporate organization are eligible to participate. Only one entry per person is possible. Employees and family members of employees of “kickworkx”, affiliated companies and partner companies of the competition are excluded from participation.
3. Third party rights
Participants declare that their submissions to the competition (for example texts, drawings or photographs) do not infringe the rights of third parties, in particular copyrights and personal rights. If other persons were involved in the creation or development of the entry, they must agree to its submission and subsequent publication as part of the competition. The same applies if third parties have been granted exclusive rights to the submitted entries. Even if persons are recognizably identifiable in submitted photographs or drawings, their consent must be obtained with the submission and subsequent publication.
4. Processing
Payment of the prize in cash, in goods, its exchange or transfer to other persons is not possible. Notification of the prize will be sent by e-mail within 14 days after the closing date of the promotion. If the winners do not respond within the 14 days, the organizer reserves the right to determine new winners.
If the contact details provided are incorrect (e.g. first name, surname or e-mail address), the organizer is not obliged to investigate correct addresses. Any disadvantages resulting from the provision of incorrect contact details shall be borne by the participants.
In the event that prizes are found to be defective or damaged upon delivery, the organizer must be notified within 7 days of the delivery date, otherwise the prize will be deemed to have been accepted as delivered. Legal rights of the winners are not affected by this. kickworkx GmbH is not liable for the winners. If available and reasonable, the terms of use applicable on site (e.g. elevated rides, similar attractions) apply. The winner is liable for any health consequences/risks and must be aware of them. The competition announcement is provisionally valid until 15.04.2019 00:00:00. After that, only in the event of an extension, further interested parties will be included.
5. Privacy policy and the competition
The data entered by the participants to take part in the competition will only be used for the processing and handling of the competition & newsletter and will not – apart from publication – be passed on to third parties or used for advertising purposes without the consent of the participants.
The participants agree that the entries to the competition as well as the transmitted personal data about the person (first name, surname, place, photograph or other electronic materials) in connection with the competition, its draw and processing will be published on those platforms mentioned in point 1.
Participants may object to the publication of personal data at the time of, or after their participation.
The provisions of the Privacy Policy apply.
6. Changes to the rules of participation and termination of the competition
The organizer reserves the right to change the conditions of participation at any time. Such a change must be announced immediately. Furthermore, the organizer reserves the right to terminate or interrupt the competition or the raffle at any time for good cause without notice. This applies in particular to such reasons that would disrupt or prevent the scheduled course of the competition or the raffle.
7. Additional terms
Further terms of participation (for example, type and duration of the competition, type and scope of the prize) will be specified in the respective competition. Should individual provisions of the conditions of participation be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining conditions of participation shall remain unaffected. They shall be replaced by an appropriate provision that comes closest to the purpose of the invalid provision.
Status: 18.03.2019, 16:00
kickworkx GmbH
- UID ATU 72415567
- E office@kickworkx.com
- T +43-1-343-0129
- F +43-1-343-0129-88
- Untere Weißgerberstraße 43/6, 1030 Wien
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