kickworkx Workshop
All colleagues from Austria and Germany met at the kickworkx’s new office in Untere Weißgerberstraße 43/6, in Vienna. In addition to the Vienna core team, this also included our partners, experts and boosters from Graz, Innsbruck, Munich and Stuttgart.
Strategy topics, clearer positioning and sales and marketing activities were on our agenda in order to position our approach of intrapreneurship-as-a-service in the best possible way, which enables a higher density of ideas in the company, a better innovation base and greater commitment and more intensive loyalty of employees.
In the course of this, we will relaunch the corporate identity and our website, by November 2018 kickworkx will have completed this step. Several videos and a professional photo shoot were completed to this end.
The planning for the next Innosalon is in full swing, with new topics and keynote speakers. The Innosalon Innosalon is the cross-industry initiative to increase innovative strength and competitiveness and has been initiated and carried out by kickworkx starting this year.
kickworkx rocks and if you want to look behind our scenes you are in good hands on our Facebook page:
- kickworkx GmbH
- UID ATU 72415567
- E
- T +43-1-343-0129
- F +43-1-343-0129-88
- Untere Weißgerberstraße 43/6, 1030 Wien
The download area enables you to download the latest whitepapers. Coming soon!