Will your company survive? Why is innovation necessary?

An incredible 88% of the Fortune 500 companies in 1955 no longer existed in 2015. There are of course various reasons for this, such as mergers, takeovers, bankruptcies, technological developments, etc. In order to prepare for future survival, many companies are adopting two-pronged strategies. On the one hand, the focus is on the efficiency of existing business models, products and services; on the other hand, it is important to develop new business models, products and services with new ideas and innovation as a “second pillar” and to ensure growth and lasting profitability. Strategies that supposedly contradict each other?

Are you prepared?

Is the company you are in safe from rapid changes, high levels of uncertainty and complexity? Very few companies can answer this affirmatively. Without innovative, future-oriented action, a company is putting its own future at risk. It even runs the risk of disappearing from the corporate landscape. You need to be prepared!

Here you can find out more about how innovation can be planned. Learn more!

Learning trip for future-ready organizations (advertising)

The German innovation consultancy and kickworkx network partners creaffective und kickworkx see the growth/survival potential of companies in innovation and the employees who make it possible.
On the learning journey for future-ready organizations, employees are taught the skills and attitudes to think and act in a future-oriented manner. Find out more here.