Employee motivation through innovation management
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. – Mark Twain
Who forms the foundation?
More and more companies are realizing that there are valuable ideas and suggestions for optimization in the minds of their own employees. After all, who knows the processes, products and systems in the company better than the executing staff?
However, it is often difficult for employees to give free rein to their ideas, suggestions and innovations because they are not self-confident enough or are afraid of not being taken seriously or being constantly cut off by their superiors.
The Siemens Group has introduced workshops and seminars for its creative minds. There are also internal idea competitions and various innovation prizes. In November 2011, Siemens honored twelve outstanding employees with its annual inventor prize, which resulted in 730 invention reports and 636 individual patents.
But how do you motivate employees sufficiently and give them the space they need to implement their innovations? There are many ways to stimulate your employees in the short term, but one should not forget that a good working atmosphere should not only last for a short time. Even after an important project, employees should still be motivated and happy, in order not to get bored, as this very often leads to demotivation.
Experience the practice up close
ThyssenKrupp pursues the following strategy: “Idea management is aimed at all employees worldwide with the aim of contributing their knowledge and experience beyond their actual tasks in the form of suggestions for improvement. In this way, they can actively participate in the further development of the company and in the improvement of working conditions.”
Dirk Deichmann from the Rotterdam School of Management wrote in a study: “Bonuses help with small suggestions for improvement, intrinsic motivation is required for big ideas.” Companies have to create incentives and space for development – no product is perfect because customer needs and demands change over time and this requires product adaptation, if not a completely new product range.
The car manufacturer BMW was able to save around 77.9 million euros with ideas from its own employees.
Most ideas arise in day-to-day work; those who regularly come across cumbersome and faulty processes, either quit or think about improvements.
“Innovation is about disagreeing with old”– Jay Walker (Digital researcher)
Some companies have their own idea managers who collect, evaluate and check ideas for their feasibility. Not every idea is achievable, however, it is often a good food for further thoughts.
Successful employee motivation
Constructive feedback and the certainty that the ideas will be taken seriously, respected and valued are decisive for employee motivation. This helps the staff to develop themselves in the company and stimulates personal development.
Employees attach great importance to open communication and transparent decisions. The feedback to the employees is therefore extremely important in order to maintain the euphoria and motivation.
In the case of major innovations and changes that cannot be implemented within a short period of time, status updates of the project should be passed on regularly so that the employees feel involved. However, rejected suggestions for improvement must by no means have negative repercussions. Presenting an idea in a neutral position is often easier, because you don’t want to look bad in front of your boss.
VW has dealt with around two million suggestions since it started its idea management in 1949. The company saves several million euros annually through improvement ideas from its employees. VW rewards its idea providers with bonuses.
Freedom and trust in the company
Another important aspect when it comes to innovation management is trust. Employees who are under constant control and pressure tend to become insecure, unmotivated and, as a result, ineffective. You should have the freedom to find your own way to deliver the best possible result for yourself and therefore also for the company.
“Idea management is a strategic management tool that contributes to increasing employee motivation and at the same time strengthens the company’s competitiveness” – Günter Fleig (Daimler Chrysler Chief HR Officer)
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